Sunday, March 29, 2009

Sunday a very Sunny Day

Well the sun came out today here in Durham and we are feeling very sunny also. We were very tired today. We are taking medicine about every four hours and having to walk ect at that time, so we didn't get up until 10:45. We ate breakfast and mom was feeling really good. She got dressed today for the first time in a cute brown sweat suit and put makeup on and then we had to go to sleep for the afternoon...we got back up around 4:30 and mom again was feeling pretty good and she did her hair. We needed a few things from the store, so I took mother with me in the wheel chair...we had to get out of our little cave...this made mother tired but it was a change of scenery. Mother is on a roller coaster...feeling pretty good and then she will have pain and cold shaking will come over her. Her nerves and muscles seem to be reacting in unpredictable ways. I know that we are on the road to recovery but I believe that she will continue to have these good moments and then painful moments throughout the day. We both want to get back to Goose Creek to familiar ground but it will be a really hard trip on mom. We need to stop about every hour per the doctor to get out and have her walk ect...a 4 1/2 hour drive may be 6-7 hour drive. Please pray that the weather will be nice on Wednesday and the road will get her staples out on Wednesday morning and then we will hit the road.

I may not be updating the blog everyday from now on but I will try to keep everyone up to date with changes. I hope that mom will be able to get on soon and tell you how she is feeling about this experience. Stay tuned!

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Good Saturday!! March 28

Have you ever paid $44.00 for a shower???? Today we did right here in North Carolina. We are staying in a handicap room but we do not have a walk in shower. Mom was feeling better today and I knew she would even feel better after a shower...hence I found a room in the hotel we are staying in that had a handicap shower. I rented the room for the day and the planning and moving began. I started carrying everything over to the can imagine all the things that we would need plus more. I put mom in the car drove her around to the other room. Into the room we rolled and we got started...I would say this all took a couple of exhausting hours on mom and me but it was so worth it. She is doing so much better today. We have the pain controlled right now and she is moving around better. She is eating a little better and staying awake much longer to talk and watch tv. Gosh, what a difference a day can make...God is Good!!! I hope that we have a really good night...we are both really tired but are hopeful with a good day behind us...I would truly say this was our very best day and that is really encouraging. We still need to get the swelling out of her legs and feet and get the internal plumbing working better but even on another rainy day the sun is shining in our little room. Thank you again for your thoughts and prayers...they have been working and God is blessing us greatly.

Friday, March 27, 2009

Friday 8 Days after Surgery

Well another bad day that started very early. I couldn't get on the Internet last night we had bad weather here. I stayed up late trying to get on the Internet and then gave mom her 2:00 AM pain medicine...we had done so well with pain control on Thursday, I didn't want to go backwards. Oh well a curve was coming, mom started throwing up at 3:30 AM which was very tough on her. She throw up again later in the morning and felt queezy the rest of the day. Mom has also not been able to get the internal stuff working, so she was extremely uncomfortable and we had to go to drastic measures around 11:30 AM. She got some relief in that area but we lost the pain control and had to start all over this afternoon. We are still not back to were we were yesterday and she is very weak, so that shower she was looking forward to was cancelled. We hope to have the pain under control by midnight tonight and a nice shower planned again for Saturday!! Please pray that we make the turn and we don't have to have these backsliding days that are so disappointing. Weather is raining outside and can feel gloomy inside...we need some sunshine!

Thursday--1 week since surgery

We had a very good day today...we have pain medicine under control and we have watched tv and talked thru taking a shower tomorrow. Mom is still unable to eat much and not interested in eating. She has had some discomfort getting her internal body working again but we have taken medicine to help in that area. Mom read the blog tonight and was alert to everything. We hope to have a good night tonight.

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Wednesday 6 Days after Surgery

Well I was apprehensive to bring mom home to the hotel today but she and the doctors were gung ho. Well we left the hospital at 11:00 and went to pick up her medicine. One of the prescriptions is a back ordered unavailable medicine at any Pharmacy!! The challenges begin. I called Dr office and had to leave message...never called me back but I did call the Patient Advocate Nurse and drove back to hospital to drop off prescription at the hospital out patient Pharmacy...would take several hours to pick up. Mom and I got to hotel ate a bit and then went to sleep for a few hours. When I woke mom up at 4:00 she couldn't stop jerking her hands and then it move to her legs. When she was standing up at the sink her leg jerked out and I had to catch her. Jerking seem to get worse and I called the Dr on call...I was told to load up and head to the to ER at 5:30 and we got seen around 6:30 but saw Dr at 8:00...they believe that she might be having a drug reaction to Lyrica and that would take 72 hours to flush through her system. They let us go about 10:00 and then we had to find a 24 hour Pharmacy for more medication. We are back at hotel now and we have had something to is in a lot of pain and we both have had a small emotional breakdown!! Mom said a prayer for us and we are hoping to get through the is now 1:30 AM on Thursday one week since surgery...I can't say that it has been easy on mom or me but we love each other and some how we will make it through this and laugh again.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Tuesday--Day 5 after surgery

Well I was really tired today and called mom to say I wouldn't be in until noon. She seemed fine. I was hopeful that she would be better...she said she was staying one more day. I took her some yogurt, celery and peanut butter and other snacks. Once I got to the hospital she was a little sleepy...she ate lunch...the best food we have seen yet and she "liked it" and then she took some medicine. Mom was zonked all day long...she could hardly wake up for dinner and she was in a fog...could not start a conversation with me...she could answer questions fine but just looked glassy eyed to me. Mom was zonked out again at 7:00 pm. Needless to say, I am very frustrated and I will not bring her home until her pain is controlled and she is not a sleepy zombie. They are saying she will be discharged tomorrow but we will see...I am not comfortable with bringing her home to the hotel in the present condition. I will be at the hospital earlier to get the update and to see what they want to do. Keep praying for mom, pain control and an easy transition from hospital to hotel.

Monday--Day 4 after surgery

This was a very good least until 9:00 pm. Mother was feeling really good and walked 3 time today. She worked with occupational therapy to learn about getting clothes on and shoes and socks...she did very well and it will only get easier. She isn't eating very well but I will work on that every day. She should get out tomorrow. I went shopping for things for our home away from home in the afternoon. We had Chick-fil-a for dinner and enjoyed watching Dances With the Stars until at 9:00 pm... mom had extreme pain...three Oxycotin later and we still had pain across back, abdomen and down the upper part of thighs. We called for a doctor and finally saw one around 12:00 am. Mom was still in pain. After talking to doctor, she added a muscle relaxing medicine to the mix and Mom got some relief. This was a tough period of time...hope tomorrow is better.

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Getting better

Well mom finally got food today...she doesn't like hospital food but at least it is food for now. I brought her yogurt, coffee and bottled water, so she was happy. I changed rooms today to a handicap room to make life easier when mom is discharged this week. I would think mom will be discharged by Tuesday but we need to have the ability to control the pain. Mom walked up a flight of steps today with the Physical Therapist today, she did great and walked the halls 2 times. She got her drain tube out today, so that means we are making progress. The day was going pretty well until later in the afternoon when she had a lot of pain in her hips and the pain medicine did not work at first, so back in bed and no long walks the rest of the day. Doctor said this is usual, so that is what we are trusting but we don't want to be at the hotel and have that problem. Uncle Ralph and Aunt Lois came by to visit and then had to head home to Goose Creek, SC. Mom had a surprise visitor today...Charles Standfield a friend and classmate since they were in 3rd grade. This was truly an act of kindness on his part and up lifting for us. He was on his way to visit his daughter in Virgina...he lives in Georgia. It is always nice to have a surprise even when you have no makeup on, lying in a hospital bed, in an over sized hospital gown...if you know my mom you will know how funny and out of character this is for her...I don't think most people have ever seen her without hair, makeup and clothes just so...she even had to laugh!!

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Day Two After Surgery

We saw the doctor early today and he is happy with how the surgery went. Mom has some numbness on her left thigh but the doctor said that is to be expected and should get better over time...that is from were the surgery was done on the left side. Physical Therapy came by and got mom up to walk the whole floor...she said it was the equivalent to the length of a football field...I not sure about that but it was quit an accomplishment for mom. Uncle Ralph and Aunt Lois spent the whole day with mom, so I could go back to the hotel for a nap and shower...I didn't get any sleep with mom over night. Mom got her follie (sp)out today. She also did the big walk 2 more times and set up in a chair at least 2 times. She still hasn't had anything to eat yet just clear liquids...and she is wanting more. The doctor is waiting for everything to wake back up before he lets her have solid food. All in All this was a very good day. Tomorrow should be great with more activity and the drain tube will be removed!! We should be coming back to the hotel on Monday or Tuesday. I know that mom would like to be here by Monday but I think Tuesday would be a little better...a few more days away from surgery before I become a full time nurse...if any of you really know me nursing is not my calling but obviously God has quit a sense of humor and mom will have to have a lot of patients...and so will I! Ultimately we will have a good laugh in a few weeks.

Day After Surgery

Let me update has been a long couple of days. Friday started out pretty good. The surgery went very well. After coming off all of the pain killers from surgery and the pump mom was in a lot of pain that the nurse and doctor were trying to get under control to give her some relief. Friday afternoon was spent giving medications to help make her comfortable...we were not having a lot of success. By 6:00 pm they gave her a combo that took the pain away but made her disorientated and dropped her blood pressure. They got the blood pressure back up quickly but she stayed disoriented until 3:00 AM Saturday morning, at which time she got MAD and said she wanted up now...the nurse got her up and she walked for the first time down the hall and back. She really did a good job. Since that time she has not been disoriented and is looking better. I stayed the night on Friday, so on Saturday at noon I came back to hotel for a nap and shower.

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Day of Surgery

Well what a long day this has been for everyone. We were up at 4:00 AM to get ready for surgery today. Mom had to take a shower with that "special" soap before the operation. We got to the hospital at 5:30 and mom was getting prepped for surgery by 5:45. Uncle Ralph and I didn't see her again. They actually started surgery at 8:15 and were done with the first surgery in 2 1/2 hours. This surgery consisted of going thru the left side and placing the cages between the vertebrae. The next surgery was the fusion, which is done thru the back with a large incision. That surgery took 4 1/2 hours and that is were the neuro surgeon participated. Hopefully space is now open for the nerves so they are not compressed and unhappy. Mom was in recovery from 3:30 until 9:30...needless to say I was getting a little impatient! They did have to give mom 1 unit of blood and they were watching her closely, so I am very grateful but I did want to see her for myself. Mom is settled in her room, which is in s step down unit with extra care given to these patients. Surgery want as expected, so that is good news. I am sure that she is going to be in a lot of pain but I feel positive that things will be so much better for her in the future. Thank you for all your prayers and well wishes...keep praying for Mom!! My 18 hour day is now over...until tomorrow.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Day before Surgery

Well we arrived in North Carolina yesterday and we got moved into our extended stay hotel, ate dinner bought a few groceries and watched tv.

We were at the hospital today for 4 1/2 hours for our pre-op appointments. Not much to report but everyone thinks mom is in great shape other than her back and looks much younger than her age...I am not going to tell you her age. We had a few laughs today and mom is getting some rest. We have to be at the hospital at 5:30 AM tomorrow...short night. Surgery is suppose to start at 7:30, so the doctor gets to sleep in a little bit. (Surgery will be a minimum of 300 minutes) Mom has the two best Doctors doing her surgery tomorrow...a nurse told us that Dr. Friedman was the doctor who operated on Ted Kennedy. Dr. Friedman is a neuro surgeon and Dr. Richardson is the orthopedic doctor. We are encouraged by how the day has gone and the positive feedback from everyone. Mom will be in a step down unit for a few days with a higher level of care. She will probably be taking her first steps on Friday sometime. A lot of pain is to be expected at the surgery sites, an incision on her left side and a large incision on her back. I will update her surgery results tomorrow night. Please pray for us!

Monday, March 16, 2009

Preparing to drive to North Carolina

We are finishing up with all the details before we leave for Duke. Mother is very organized with everything and I just hope I don't mess everything up before she is able to take over again. I would say we are anxious about the surgery but we feel very blessed with all of the calls and the prayers that friends and family are providing at this time. I did tell mother about the blog and I am sure that she would like to read everything that I post before it becomes public but unfortunately she will not have that control for the next few weeks. I hope that after I go home in May, she will continue the blog so we can all keep up with her progress toward recovering and hopefully a new lease on life. Mother's surgery in on Thursday, March 19th...I believe that it will be an 8 hour surgery, so I will get on sometime Thursday night to update everyone. Thank you again for praying for all of us, we feel a peace about the surgery, so we know that God is in control, as He always is and will be.